What is a Logo?
Some of the less knowledgeable would perhaps say that Logos are something that has only come around since technology, since large businesses, etc.
They are, as a a matter of fact, quite wrong.
Remember the old signs out in the Wild West? For a saloon, there would be a jug of whiskey on the sign, alongside the writing.
Go farther back, and you find a theater sign that has a mask on the sign…keep going and you find on a shoe repair shop: a boot, on a tavern: a mug, on a stable: a horse….and you can on and on.
Those were all logos.
Perhaps they were a bit crude, roughly drawn, not much to look at, but logos they were.
According to Wikipedia, “A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization”.
I think that we can all agree that logos are very powerful things. We learn to associate a place, company, business, store, brand, etc., simply by a “small graphic mark or emblem”.
So, maybe logos have been around much longer than some of us have thought!