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I like to write. But just because I like to write does not mean that I always know what to...
On politics.
With all the debating and upcoming elections, there are a lot of thoughts stirring, questions being asked, arguments, etc.
Cool floral font…
…designed, crafted, and photographed by Ann Lee.
Awesome Photoshop.
Awesome Typographic Bird Houses!
I don’t know about you, but when I saw this the other day, I thought they were so great-I don’t...
Cool creature cups.
I don’t know about you, but in the morning I need my coffee. So I can function.
Street Art….
Are you like me, and have always wondered what was up with all the incredible, mosaic decorated telephone poles in...
Sculpting with dust. Yes, that’s right, dust.
Paul Hazelton is an artist. But unlike most artists, he works with a very uncommon medium. Dust.
You could get sued for using the Google logo on your site!
You may have seen offers like these using Google’s name or logo that sounded too good to be true.
5 Totally Wearable Pieces Of Art
Blackbirds, Japanese Ghost Monks, Giant Trees. Here are some of the coolest shirts you’ll ever see.
15 Deeply Disturbing Photoshop Manipulations
There are many incredible things you can do with Photoshop, such as editing your weird neighbor out of the background...
Use my body
Go to eBay and type in “your logo on my body” and you’ll pull up at least one auction with...
3 places to find logo design inspiration
At times like that it can be very helpful to look for inspiration in the work of other designers.
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