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History Of The Coca-Cola Logo And The Company
Few brands have had the enduring success and iconic image that Coca-Cola has enjoyed. It's a staple of cinemas across...
Ways To Find Inspiration As A Logo Designer
As a logo designer, finding inspiration isn’t always easy, and having the motivation to work doesn’t always come naturally If you’re...
Helpful Tips For Designing A Cool Movie Poster
Get inspired by doing whatever sparks your creativity and make sure that your design grabs people’s attention. Focus on showing...
Logo Design Trends Of 2021
A new year means fresh starts and new beginnings for everyone, including business industries. The great thing about a new...
The NBC Logo History and Evolution
We’re all familiar with the entertainment company NBC’s signature logo; it’s a classic that has become recognizable on thousands of...
Examples Of Great Graphic Design Portfolios and A Few Tips
One of the greatest aspects of being a graphic designer is that you get inspired visually. Once you see something,...
The Most Drastic Logo Redesigns Of All Time
Most of the logo redesigns for big companies are subtle changes that customers don’t notice immediately.
Places To Spark Your Inspiration and Get You Out Of Creative Block
Getting inspiration as a graphic designer isn’t always as easy as it may seem to those that aren’t in the...
Inspiring Logo Designer Series: Neatlines
Neatlines is a freelance logo designer who often works through 99designs, where he’s rated as a top-level designer.
Helpful Tips For Starting With Logo and Graphic Design
When you’re first starting with becoming a graphic designer, the journey isn’t easy. It’s a long process filled with trial...
Warner Bros New Logo Is Not What We Expected
The new Warner Bros updated animated logo made its debut during the opening of HBO Max Original film Locked Down...
What is in Vogue?
As designers, it is always good to take a look around, and size up the competition {well, in the design...
Not sure what you think about change?
Many designers are afraid to do something different, and think that it is safer to stay with the “same old same...
I like to write. But just because I like to write does not mean that I always know what to...
On politics.
With all the debating and upcoming elections, there are a lot of thoughts stirring, questions being asked, arguments, etc.
Cool floral font…
…designed, crafted, and photographed by Ann Lee.
Awesome Photoshop.
Awesome Typographic Bird Houses!
I don’t know about you, but when I saw this the other day, I thought they were so great-I don’t...
Street Art….
Are you like me, and have always wondered what was up with all the incredible, mosaic decorated telephone poles in...
5 Totally Wearable Pieces Of Art
Blackbirds, Japanese Ghost Monks, Giant Trees. Here are some of the coolest shirts you’ll ever see.
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