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2012 Olympics Logo- yea or nay?r
So…I have been following with interest all the debate on the 2012 Olympic logo, and am still not sure what...
The most important second ever.
Well, the fact of the matter is, in today’s society, you don’t have a full minute anymore. People barely have...
Pro Bono work can provide a valuable portfolio boost
In the design world, nobody will hire you without something in your portfolio, but how do you get that portfolio...
The top 10 mistakes experienced designers make
Can you remember when you first started out? It feels like just yesterday you were scraping around for work. Today,...
Design software – should you go with the free stuff?
When starting their career, most freelancers are faced with a problem, money. Money in the pocket always seems to be...
You could get sued for using the Google logo on your site!
You may have seen offers like these using Google’s name or logo that sounded too good to be true.
5 Totally Wearable Pieces Of Art
Blackbirds, Japanese Ghost Monks, Giant Trees. Here are some of the coolest shirts you’ll ever see.
15 Deeply Disturbing Photoshop Manipulations
There are many incredible things you can do with Photoshop, such as editing your weird neighbor out of the background...
5 resources for designing a UNIQUE logo
Whether you are just a casual designer, who likes to spend some of your spare time doodling on a PC,...
Content theft and how to deal with it
The next day I received a panicky call from a guy that sounded like he was still in his teens,...
3 brands created around Thanksgiving
Most companies at least acknowledge the holiday, and some companies go a step further and brand their company around it,...
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