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Best Tools For Graphic and Logo Designers
You can be a good graphic designer on your own, you may even be a great one, but to truly...
Warner Bros New Logo Is Not What We Expected
The new Warner Bros updated animated logo made its debut during the opening of HBO Max Original film Locked Down...
Rebranding a Football Organization Logo to Make Sense for the Future
NFL football is big business. When teams within the organization make dramatic shifts with either personnel, venue relocations, outfit changes,...
American Airlines’ New Logo.
It looks as though American Airlines has joined the many companies that are updating their new logos and has for the first...
New Wendy’s Logo!
Wendy’s was founded in 1969, by Dave Thomas. Thomas named the restaurant after his fourth child, Melinda Lou “Wendy” Thomas....
On politics.
With all the debating and upcoming elections, there are a lot of thoughts stirring, questions being asked, arguments, etc.
The rise of Instagram.
Not too long ago, Facebook paid approximately 1 billion dollars for Instagram, free photo-sharing program and social network that has over one million registered users.
Facebook’s first ad. A historic moment?
As it reaches one billion users, Facebook celebrates by running its first ad, created by Wieden & Kenedy (creators of...
New Arby’s Logo
Previously, Arby’s was owned by the same company that owns Wendy’s but is now owned by Roark Capital Group as...
2012 Olympics Logo- yea or nay?r
So…I have been following with interest all the debate on the 2012 Olympic logo, and am still not sure what...
Official French “Anti Piracy Squad” Caught Pirating
Everyone makes mistakes. I get that. But every once in a while a group or organization makes such a stupid...
Expedia Fails Horribly In Rebranding Attempt
Launched in ’95, Expedia arrived on the online travel booking scene to give some competition to rival Travelocity (1995) and...
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