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Old Logos VS. New
We’re considering the old and new logo designs for a housing organization, an organic ice cream company, and a national...
Best Video Game Logos Of All Time
Video games have been a big part of our society for years, starting decades back and now working their way...
Famous Fast Food Logos
We’ve all become familiar with some of the classic fast food logos that are signature to our country. These food...
New Pfizer Logo
Every few years we see the business industry experience a variety of changes, one of these being big brands updating...
How To Use The Colors Of The Rainbow In Graphic Design
When we think about logo design and graphic design in general we often associate it with colors. After all, when...
Choosing The Best Colors For Your Logo
The biggest companies out there have spent hours pouring into the exact shade of the colors used in their branding.
General Motor’s New Logo Redesign
Only a few months into the New Year and we’ve already seen a surprising amount of new logos emerging from...
The Story Of The Nike Swoosh Logo
It’s rare to find those who don’t recognize the familiar and iconic Nike swoosh logo that we’ve grown to love...
Blue, Black, and Bold New Logos
You can’t go wrong with classic colors like black and navy blue. In fact, for many years those were the...
Are These New Logos Too Simple?
As we continue to look at how companies are changing their branding, Logo Design News is exploring the trend of...
Inspiring Logo Designer Series: Milena Vuckovic
Originally an Austria-based architect, Milena Vuckovic, has successfully transitioned to graphic design. With 171 repeat clients, she’s clearly delivering on...
Kia Announces New Logo and Tagline In A Firework Display
Kia was one of those companies that decided that 2021 was the year that their logo would get a refresh...
Springing Into New Logos
Temperatures are rising and the economy is improving. Businesses want to move forward with new looks that reflect new values.
Adobe 2020 Rebrand
In 2020 Adobe Creative Cloud decided to take the step and rebrand their company from the same logo that they’ve...
Legendary Simplistic Designs
Somedays, as a designer, you’ll get stuck in a rut and the motivation just won’t be there. On days like...
Changing Times, Changing Logos: Companies Embrace New Art
When you think of major tech brands, you’re probably think of Apple and Google. When you hear the word “chem,”...
The Legends Of Logo Design
Just as everyone has their idols that they look up to, those in the graphic design industry have those that...
When Gmail Changed Their Logo and No One Liked It
When you’re used to heading towards the same app icon daily and seeing it, it can be challenging when you’re...
New February 2021 Logos Are Modern – And Traditional?
In February 2021, we’ve seen several companies rebrand their logos to symbolize how they’re moving forward in the next year...
5 Famous Brands With Colorful Logos
Although the trend in recent years has been towards simple and modern logos, many successful brands are identified by their...
Where to Find the Perfect Logo for Your Business
Branding is an important part of building a successful business. Along with your business name, your logo will become the...
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