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How To Pick The Perfect Logo
It’s the end of your design process. You’ve gone through telling your designer what you’re looking for, you’ve looked at...
Gender Bias Logos
Normally, designers have to remain neutral when designing logos. However, there are times when they’ll have to create a logo...
Big Brand Names and Logos With Crazy Beginnings
Brick Red. Sunset Orange. Goldenrod. When you see these Crayola names, you can picture the color perfectly, because the name...
When to Say No: What Logo Projects Should You Turn Down?
As a graphic designer, there are many projects you might not want to do. But logo projects often seem like...
Need a New Logo? Hold a Logo Design Contest
If you’re in the market for a new logo then you’re in luck. A logo design contest can provide you...
Did Joe Biden steal his new logo from a Redditor?
A Reddit user took to the popular forum recently, specifically in the subreddits /r/logodesign and /r/legaladvice, to determine whether other...
Truth Telling.
One of the most important things in design is to show people what they want to see-not what they need to see.
American Airlines’ New Logo.
It looks as though American Airlines has joined the many companies that are updating their new logos and has for the first...
All In The Details.
When working with graphics there are many things to keep in mind. However, one of the very most important is...
Ten Commandments….for Logo Designers?
I love to go to my Google Reader and catch up on all the latest news from the land of...
Glowing roads?
Apparently, in Holland in 2013, experimental designs that glow in the dark will be installed on a couple of hundred...
Amazing art.
Recently I came across an amazing artist-Tom Fruin. One need only see one example of his work to understand just...
Logos – old or new?
What is a Logo? Some of the less knowledgeable would perhaps say that Logos are something that has only come around since technology,...
Are you never hugged? This vest may be your new best friend.
Living in a world that celebrates social media, and narrowing it down to Facebook in particular, Melissa Kit Chow (in...
iPhone 5 makes a splash!
Apple has now come out with the iPhone 5, and has broken a company record last week, with the pre-order...
Latest in logos….
The most recent news in the logo design world is that of online logo design contest site, 99 Designs, expanding...
Going Cheap – Is It The Right Way?
You, as a designer have started your own small company, created a wonderful portfolio, and also kept your price down....
New Microsoft Logo.
For the first time in 25 years Microsoft has changed it’s logo.
PBS: The Art Of Logo Design:
Check out PBS’s “Off Book” series, where we get to see behind the scenes what it takes to make a...
Beginner Logo Design Blues
Bill Jones needs a logo designed for his auto-body shop. Today is his day off so he decides to devote...
Are logo designers really as smart as they think they are?
In response, I sent them an questionnaire email asking a few simple questions regarding the basic layout of there design....
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