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The History Of The Bitcoin Logo
When someone tells you that you should diversify your financial portfolio, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
The History Of The Family Dollar Logo
Family Dollar is a company that runs retail discount stores that offer a variety of goods. They range from selling...
The History Of Ozzy Osbourne And His Logo
When you think of Ozzy Osbourne, what comes to mind?
The History Of The Hogwarts Logo
You’ve heard of Harry Potter. Yes, that Harry Potter. The one who went to Hogwarts, the one who has an...
The History Of The Yankees Logo
Did you know that the Yankees are the only baseball team that doesn’t use the names of their players on...
The History of the Dell Logo
Think about your day. When you think about your day, you’ll likely find that some part of it was spent...
The History of The Dallas Cowboys Logo
The football team that’s known as America’s Team has been regarded as one of our country’s most famous teams and...
The Apple Logo Through The Years
We’re all familiar with the famous Apple logo, but how many of us know the history behind it? The Apple...
Logo Design Trends We’ve Seen In 2021
New trends come and go every year, and for this year there were a lot of design trends predicted Did...
The History Of The Burger King Logo
Three hamburger fast-food chains are usually the first fast-food chains people think of: McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s. While McDonald’s...
Ways To Find Inspiration As A Logo Designer
As a logo designer, finding inspiration isn’t always easy, and having the motivation to work doesn’t always come naturally If you’re...
How To Break Free From Your Creative Rut
Getting stuck in a creative rut can halt your work and leave you feeling discouraged The good news is that there...
How To Design A Stellar Business Card
Image source Business cards are an important part of marketing, even in a world that is filled with social media For...
The Best And Worst Logo Redesigns Of 2021
We may not be at the end of the year yet, but there have still been a variety of amazing...
The Olympic Logo Redesigned
The 2020 Olympics have come and gone, but our memories from the Games won’t fade anytime soon. Along with the...
Drawing Inspiration from Legendary Logo Designer Milton Glaser
Who is Milton Glaser? He’s a designer for the ages, most famous for the iconic “I
The World’s Most Famous Logos And How They’ve Impacted Us
Logos have a huge impact on us and our world. There are some logos that are so iconic that it’s...
What We Can Learn From Marvel’s Brand Identity
Whether you’re a die-hard Marvel fan or not, I think we can all agree that Marvel is one of the...
Famous Logo Designers and Their Success Stories
We hear about famous logo designers all the time, but few of us actually know their accomplishments and their story ...
Ways To Spark Your Inspiration As A Logo Designer
Creative block is common in logo designers, and sometimes it’s not as easy to get out of it as people...
The Greatest Logo Redesigns Of 2021
Every year we see amazing redesigns from companies that have decided to give their company a refresh in the new...
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