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logo inspiration
What Makes the World’s Top Logos So Appealing?
Some of the world’s most recognizable logos aren’t exactly works of art. Some are downright ugly.
The Evolution of the YouTube Logo
New videos are added to the YouTube streaming platform every day, which means you could get lost for hours down...
10 Logo Designers Who Have Rocked Our World
Over the decades there have been countless famous brands with their respective attractive logos, and it’s often wondered who created...
Gender Bias Logos
Normally, designers have to remain neutral when designing logos. However, there are times when they’ll have to create a logo...
When to Say No: What Logo Projects Should You Turn Down?
As a graphic designer, there are many projects you might not want to do. But logo projects often seem like...
Shoe Brands and Their Logos
Need some inspiration for creating a shoe brand logo? This article is the one for you! We look through some...
Truth Telling.
One of the most important things in design is to show people what they want to see-not what they need to see.
All In The Perspective.
It is interesting how to one person, something can look so great and yet, to another the very same things...
All In The Details.
When working with graphics there are many things to keep in mind. However, one of the very most important is...
I like to write. But just because I like to write does not mean that I always know what to...
Ten Commandments….for Logo Designers?
I love to go to my Google Reader and catch up on all the latest news from the land of...
New Wendy’s Logo!
Wendy’s was founded in 1969, by Dave Thomas. Thomas named the restaurant after his fourth child, Melinda Lou “Wendy” Thomas....
Glowing roads?
Apparently, in Holland in 2013, experimental designs that glow in the dark will be installed on a couple of hundred...
Amazing art.
Recently I came across an amazing artist-Tom Fruin. One need only see one example of his work to understand just...
Cool floral font…
…designed, crafted, and photographed by Ann Lee.
Awesome Photoshop.
Awesome Typographic Bird Houses!
I don’t know about you, but when I saw this the other day, I thought they were so great-I don’t...
Effective Website Logo Creation 101.
Many business owners erroneously perceive the logo simply as a short description image for their company. However, I would like...
Going Cheap – Is It The Right Way?
You, as a designer have started your own small company, created a wonderful portfolio, and also kept your price down....
New Microsoft Logo.
For the first time in 25 years Microsoft has changed it’s logo.
Street Art….
Are you like me, and have always wondered what was up with all the incredible, mosaic decorated telephone poles in...
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